Project Description
The results of the decennial Census impact the allocation of federal government financial support for transit and, in Texas and other states, the allocation of state funds to transit providers. On behalf of the Public Transportation Division of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), in partnership with the Institute for Demographic and Socioeconomic Research at The University of Texas at San Antonio, analyzed the population and land area changes that may result from Census 2020 and forecasted the impacts those changes may have on federal funding apportionments and state funding allocations for transit in Texas. The final report is pending approval by TxDOT; however, the draft report is available for download.
The research was led by Michael J. Walk, Research Scientist and Program Manager of the Transit Mobility Program at TTI.
Attachments for Download
- Attachment 1: Calculator Input Data FY2020. An Excel workbook that contains the input data used in validating the calculator.
- Attachment 2: Calculator FY2020 Validation Results. An Excel workbook that contains tables comparing TTI’s calculated FY2020 FTA apportionments and TxDOT allocations against actual values.
- Attachment 3: IDSER 2020 Census Projection Method. A PDF that describes IDSER’s methodology for calculating projected Census 2020 populations and delineating projected urbanized areas.
- Attachment 4: Compare 2010 Baseline-2020 Inputs. An Excel workbook that compares the input data used for the baseline funding forecast and the post-Census funding forecasts.
- Attachment 5: Post Census Data Change Methods. An Excel workbook that details how some service and population data were changed between baseline and post-Census forecasts to account for new or eliminated UZAs.
- Attachment 6: Baseline vs. Post-Census Apportionments and Allocations. An Excel workbook that contains ALL baseline and post-census apportionments and allocations to UZAs, states, transit districts, and TxDOT districts for all formula funding programs.
- Attachment 7. Texas UZA Maps 2010 and 2020. PENDING A PDF that includes one-page per Texas UZA. Each UZA page includes a map showing the Census 2010 boundaries and the projected Census 2020 boundaries. Each page also includes quick demographic characteristics of each UZA in Census 2010 and Census 2020.